Charge and Release


This graph shows the top 20 criminal offenses for which PSA defendants are most frequently charged.
PSA caseloads include individuals being supervised on a full range of charges, from misdemeanor property offenses to felony murder. In FY 2016, simple assault was the leading offense with 5,005 defendants having this charge type, followed by theft second degree (2,332), unlawful entry (1,741), driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (1,714), and destruction of property less than $1,000 (1,509).


Once defendants are released to PSA for supervision, they are placed into a “program,” based on their risk level and any specialized needs that they may have.

PSA provides a wide range of supervision programs to support the D.C. Superior Court and U.S. District Court. PSA focuses its supervision resources on defendants most at risk of failing to appear or being rearrested on another offense and employs graduated levels of supervision consistent with defendants identified risk. PSA’s supervision programs include:  General Supervision, High Intensity Supervision, and Supervision for Special Programs.

This graph displays the number of defendants released to each PSA program.

General Supervision Program supervises the vast majority of the defendant population. PSA Pretrial Services Officers review compliance with release conditions that require supervision imposed by D.C. Superior Court; keep the Court, prosecution, defense attorney, and involved agencies for individuals who are dually-supervised apprised of compliance.  Social services also are offered when deemed appropriate or requested through referrals to PSA's Social Services and Assessment Center (SSAC).  

Mental Health --Specialized Supervision Unit (SSU) provides specialized services and supervision to defendants with mental illness, mild mental retardation and/or co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. SSU works collaboratively with the District’s Department of Behavioral Health (DBH), the Mental Retardation Developmental Disabilities Administration, and designated mental health service providers.

High Intensity Supervision Program (HISP) supervises defendants who the court determines to be high safety or appearance risks and in need of an increased level of supervision through weekly contact, drug testing, and/or location monitoring. Defendants who are reported as non-compliant with the curfew condition may be “stepped back” to a period of home confinement.

Traffic Safety and Supervision Unit (TSSU) provides supervision to certain defendants in need of substance use disorder or mental health-related treatment. Targeted defendants are those who need treatment and are charged with driving under the influence (DUI); operating while impaired (OWI), and/or driving while intoxicated (DWI) and  certain  other  misdemeanors prosecuted by the D.C. Office of the Attorney General.

Condition Monitoring and Court Support oversee defendants with release conditions that require monitoring. PSA notifies defendants of their appearance dates, monitors for warrants and rearrests and compliance with any one-time verification conditions, and refers for any social services if requested by the defendant.

Work Release Program PSA jointly monitors defendants ordered into the Department of Corrections’ Work Release Program that reside in community-based halfway houses. Work release staff keeps the Court, prosecution and defense attorneys apprised of compliance.  Social services also are offered when deemed appropriate or requested through referrals to PSA's Social Services and Assessment Center (SSAC).

Sanction-Based Treatment Track (SBTT) supervises defendants who do not meet the eligibility criteria for Drug Court.—insert hyperlink. PSA case managers supervise defendants and monitor compliance with treatment, arrange for treatment placements, oversee progress in treatment, review drug testing schedules, keep the court, prosecution and defense apprised of compliance, and provide incentives and sanctions as warranted.

District Court Supervision Unit (DCSU) supervises all defendants on conditional release from U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and other federal districts for which PSA provides courtesy supervision. Pretrial Services Officers keep the Court, prosecution, defense attorney, and other federal districts for individuals who are under courtesy supervision apprised of compliance.  Social services also are offered when deemed appropriate or requested through referrals to PSA's Social Services and Assessment Center (SSAC).

Drug Court supervises drug-involved defendants with non-violent misdemeanor and felony offenses deemed eligible by the USAO and Drug Court judge.  It is a voluntary substance use disorder treatment and supervision program. Drug Court is a collaborative effort among the D.C. Superior Court, United States Attorney‘s Office (USAO), Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia, the defendant, CSOSA and PSA.



When defendants are placed onto PSA supervision, they are required to comply with various release conditions.  These conditions may include reporting to a Pretrial Services Officer, drug testing, and substance abuse and/or mental health treatment.  

This chart shows the most frequently ordered release conditions.


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The information contained in this system is protected by Federal and District of Columbia law, and is provided exclusively for the performance of official government duties. Access or use by unauthorized persons, or for unauthorized purposes, including UNOFFICIAL PERSONAL ACCESS or USE, is prohibited and may constitute a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1030 and the other laws listed below.

Federal law (42 C.F.R. § 2.4) provides a criminal penalty ($500 for a first offense and up to $5,000 for each subsequent offense) for unlawful disclosure.

Defendant Demographics

Charge and Release

Outcome for Last Four Years