CSOSA/PSA Research Review Committee
The CSOSA/PSA (Agency) Research Review Committee (RRC) is established by the CSOSA/PSA Research and Evaluation Policy Statement 1201 (Policy) as the body responsible for reviewing research proposed from internal and external sources to ensure that it is compliant with federal regulations, District laws, and Agency policy and is consistent with Agency priorities.
This includes review of research proposed by external entities as well as internal offices and individual employees. If you are interested in submitting a proposal for review, the guidelines for proposal submission, please refer to the Revised Appendix B-Submission Guidelines. The full policy also is available.
Copies of research proposals submitted to the RRC along with the RRC’s Recommendation Statements to the director(s) are available in the Library. The appendices and other documents submitted by the researchers are not included here, but are available by contacting the RRC.